Los poligonos estrellados se obtienen uniendo de form constante y NO consecutiv, los vertics de los poligonos regulares.
segun el numero de vertices que tenga el poligono estrellado podmos obtener: uno, ninguno,dos o varios poligonos estrellados.
Tambien los podemos encontrar que existen falsas estrellas que estan formadas por varios poligonos regulares.
It is a quality of some shapes wich some os there parts are rflechors of others.
simmetry axis: It is a line which divides a shape in two symmetry parts every elements of the shape is refected on the other side and at the same distance from the axis or old line, simmetry points are perpedicular line to it.
Central simmetry: Is the reflectan of an object through a paint called the symetry center. Every symetric points is an the other side and at the same distances from the center of symetry.
Geometry simmetry: Is a kind of symetry which follows accurarely the geometric symetry rules.
APPARENTS SYMETRY: Is the quallity of shapes or objects which show an obvius symetry but not every point or element follows accurarely the geometric symetry rules.
SYMMETRICAL BALANCE: It is a way to organize parts of an image, picture or drawing so one side duplicates or mirrors the other.
STAR POLYGONS: It is a particular polygon case with a star shape, created out of linkong together non consecutive vertice of a regular polygon.
INSCRIVED POLYGONS: They are a polygons placed inside circles so all the vertices of the polygons are placed on the circle.
CIRCUNSCRIBED POLYGONS: They are polygons surrounding a circle, being its sides tangent to the circle inside.
SIDE: Each of the line segments that form a polygon.
VERTEX: The point in whith two sides or edges meet.
DIAGONAL: Segment line that connects non consecutive vertices.
PERIMETER: The path around a polygon, the addition of all its sides.
APHOTEM: Line segment from the center to yhe mindpoint of one of its sides.
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